Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Same old newness

Maggie is still amazing, learning new things at every turn. Today Matt taught her to say boy instead of baby in reference to a character on his shirt. This is definitely a good thing. She has been refering to all children as baby and pretty much all adults as daddy. Sometimes though, any picture is baby no matter what it is of. She adores looking at pictures. One day I sat in front of the computer and let my slideshow change pictures every 5 seconds and she was mesmerized for a long time. She would squeal every time the picture changed and say "Baby!", or "Daddy!", or "Mommy", or "Mdaddy" when she isn't quite sure.
Maggie also has an insatiable hunger. For example, today I picked her up from Katherine's at 5:30 and as I was carrying her out she noticed the bag of mini rice cakes, pointed, and said "gaker". So, I grabbed a bag and slowly fed them to her as she asked for more as I drove with her in to Keene to meet my brother and parents for dinner. She ate half the bag before we got to the restaurant. She then proceeded to eat four slices of peaches, two slices of pear, a slice of pickle and quite a bit of the bean salad I got for her at the salad bar. Then, she started on our food, eating a slice of chicken and two hunks of bread from Steven's sandwich as well as some crust from my pizza. Then, as you can see in the picture she insisted on more rice cakes when we went outside.
Steven got her a wicked cool new backpack from Venezuela, isn't it a great color? Pretty soon she will really enjoy taking things in and out of the pack, playing with the zipper, and carrying her own stuff around. Awesome!

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