Thursday, February 15, 2007


New Camera

I've been getting yelled at for not posting anything to the blog, and there have been several factors contributing to this. 1) I have temporarily misplaced the camera 2) I have started scrapbooking and have been putting my efforts into that and 3) I have been working like a maniac. I've been working two jobs since I got a new one. Monday that will end, and will hopefully give me some more free time in my life. No more working til 9:30 or 10 at night! So, I got a new camera today. It's a cheapie camera and I didn't exactly know what that would entail until I took some pictures and downloaded them to my camera. It's hard to get good pictures in not so good lighting, and any movement at all is very blurry. In this picture Maggie had stolen the instructions for getting the camera up and running and was laughing at me, and running away, when I tried to take them back from her. They were ripped in three places by the time I finally got them back. Her new favorite word is no! (Uh 0h.) Hopefully this stage is short lived. Matt and I agree that she is scary smart. She repeats words readily and learns new thing so easily. We are amazed by her at every turn. One great thing is that Katherine has taught her how to help put things away, what a lovely person she is! One word of her's that I wanted to record is that she calls cereal lulu, I don't know where she got that, and it took us awhile to figure out what she meant by it, but that is definitely it. Keep pestering me and maybe I'll start getting better about posting! Hope you're all having fun.

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