Friday, March 02, 2007


Maggie's next installment

Maggie just got over an ear infection, which she was nice enough to pass along to her daddy. He is having a much harder time with it than she had. She was out of it for a couple of days, and didn't want to eat much, but her pain only seemed to last for a few hours. He has been in pain for days, the poor dear.
She has gotten in three more teeth since the last time I reported, it could be four though. They are hard to see as she won't keep her mouth open for me, and if I try to stick my finger in her mouth she clamps down. Ouch.
We are almost out of formula so I tried her on Lactaid milk, but she doesn't seem to like it. She will sometimes drink water and tonight I gave her herbal tea, which she seems to like. I gave her some yogurt the other day, and it didn't seem to affect her so that's good. I can get dairy into her that way. It's going to be annoying to have to give her something that requires spoon feeding on a regular basis. I have been spoiled with just setting food in front of her and letting her have at it.
Her newest words, that we have figured out meanings for, are nena for banana, and she has an odd word for glasses that I can't for the life of me remember right now. I'll try to figure it out and let you know. It may be gagee, or something along those lines.
That's it for now. Hope you're all having a great time!

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