Friday, December 29, 2006


The end of Maggie's first birthday

A new year, and a new blog. This blog will chronicle Maggie's second year. We ended the last one with her first birthday party, and we will begin this one with the same. First though, a synopsis of where Maggie is right now. She has eight teeth, four in the center on both top and bottom. She walks like a pro and has an ever expanding vocabulary of approximately 15 words. Her favorite words are hi, kitty, dada, baby, and bubba. She is just getting over her first bad sickness with a very restful day today. She threw up quite often yesterday and the day before. We were very lucky to have supportive individuals around, like my mom and Katherine to help us through this time. At this point Maggie's personality seems to be that of a playful, happy, and somehow both independant and clingy little girl. She likes to explore on her own, but always looks back to make sure she can see us before going too far and she gets upset if she can't see us. She is the light of my life and my first consideration in every decision I make. In many respects this past year has been very hard, and I know it's cliche, but it was worth it.

The presents that Matt's parents sent for Maggie didn't make it in time for her birthday party because we had told them Walpole instead of North Walpole, so here is a video for all to see of her opening their gifts. Warning: it is four minutes long. While still fairly short I thought I'd let you know considering we expect everything on the internet to be so immediate.

Your introduction to Maggies' 2nd year is so sweet; you're a wonderful mama and Maggie is such a lovey dovey sweety pie of a baby; you and Matt have done such a great job. I respect you both so much for all the sacrifices and hard hard work you've both devoted to your little darling. Hey, is this enough "sugar talking" to rate a visit soon??? As long as that nasty pukey flu is done! I love you all and Happy New Year too.
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